Path 1. Downloading A PDF of a course

  1. Go to /

  2. Click on ‘Start your journey’ Button

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  3. Click on ‘Accessing justice through law’ course

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  4. Click on ‘Process maps for legal justice’

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  5. Click on ‘Start here! Reporting to the Police’


  6. Click on ‘Making a decision whether or not to report’

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  7. Check content matches below

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  8. Scroll Down

  9. Find ‘Download as a PDF’

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  10. Check download looks sensible

Path 2. Saving a course, signing in and signing out

  1. Go to /

  2. Click on ‘Start your journey’ Button

    Screenshot 2023-09-07 at 12.22.38.png

  3. Scroll down and click on Stories of survival and resilience

  4. Click “Save for later” on OurWave: a place for survivors to anonymously share their stories”

    Screenshot 2023-09-07 at 12.30.33.png

  5. This should lead you to a log in page. Create an account.

    Screenshot 2023-09-07 at 12.30.41.png

  6. You should go the ‘Stories of survival and resilience page’. ‘Our wave: a place for survivors to anonymously share their stories’ is highlighted with an orange saved icon to show it is saved.

    Screenshot 2023-09-07 at 12.30.58.png

  7. Click the link at the bottom saying “Saved items”. When you land on the Saved item page, ‘Our wave…’ should appear in the list of Saved items. Note you might need to refresh to see the change (this is a known bug and needs fixing).

    Screenshot 2023-09-07 at 12.40.54.png